Last night, I went to French restaurant "
Yamaguchi" in Tateyama for an end of the year party.
I don't think I can explain how good this food is in words.
I've been staring at this screen for 10 minutes. I don't know where to begin.
[sigh] Well...let's start with the pictures.
[ため息] じゃあ、まず写真からね。
This is the outside. Now you can see how much my camera sucks. Anyway, it's in Tateyama just past the castle, a little hidden away, and the place just opened in April. You probably can't see, but the outside is really nice, with a well manicured garden. There's a wall around the place, too, so once you step inside you really feel like you're stepping into a different world. ( Thanks, Sugar, for making the reservation!) レストランの外の様子。今年の4月に開店した、館山の城山公園よりちょっと先にある隠れ家。見えないだろうが、その庭がとても奇麗なんです!レストランの周りに壁があるから、門を超えたら、まるで別の空間に入っているようです。 |
We started with a white wine. It was light, crisp, and fruity...the kind of wine that really anyone can drink. ワインから入りました。このワインはフルーティーでさっぱりしてて、とても飲みやすいワインでした。 |
This is the first wine. If I ever see this wine, I am buying it on the spot. Delicious. これがその最初のワインでした。このワインをどこかで見た時にその場で買います。美味しい。 |
Cauliflower soup. Creamy, but very mild and light. It definitely tastes like cauliflower, but not in a gross frozen-mixed-vegetables-at-a-buffet way. カリフラワーのスープ.クリミーなのに、優しい、重みのない味です。カリフラワーの味がちゃんときいているけど、バイキングの蒸した冷凍野菜のようなカリフラワー味じゃありません。
A light and fluffy whole grain rosemary focaccia - not at all oily like many focaccias. フワフワなローズマリフォカッチャ。全然油っこくない。 |
The second wine...it was spicier (?) than the first but it still had a bit of sweetness and it smelled like honey. I think it would pair really well with the poultry dish. For some reason, I liked that it was cloudy. 二つ目のワイン。最初のワインよりちょっと辛かったけど、少し甘みがあって、蜂蜜に香りました。鳥の料理とよく合うかもしれません。なぜか、その濁りも好きでした。 |
This was BOSS! On the left is a roasted(?) duck with carrots and a balsamic vinegar sauce. AMAZING. I don't usually like duck because more often than not it is too bloody, too tough, or too gamey. This was tender, not a hint of gamey-stinky-ness, and the flavor pairing was on point. これ、うめ〜!左側にはロースト(?)鴨肉とにんじんとバルサミコ酢のソース。すご〜く美味しかったです。鴨肉は良く、レアすぎるか硬いか臭みがあるから普段食べないです。この鴨肉は柔らかくて、全然臭みがなくて、にんじんとソースとの相性が抜群でした。
On the left is a vegetable terrine. I don't usually like terrines either because I don't understand why anyone would take perfectly good food, smash it together, and serve it cold. This was really yummy and refreshing, though. I think it had celery, broccoli, radishes, two types of potatoes, and mushroom wrapped in perhaps cabbage. It was held together by a jelly that tastes like it was made of vegetable broth. The great thing is that all the vegetables were cooked to about the same consistency - smooth and soft but not falling apart. I will definitely be giving terrines another shot.
左側にあるのは野菜のテリーヌです。テリーヌも正直、あまり好きじゃないです。なぜありのままで全然おいしい料理を押し合わせて冷やして出すのが理解できないです。でも、このテリーヌは美味しかったです。セロリ、ブロッコリ、大根、2種類の芋とキノコがキャベッツに包まれた(と思います)。間に野菜の出し汁のようなゼリーがありました。でも、この料理のすごいところとは、すべての野菜が同じ硬さー柔らかいけど崩れないーに湯でてあったところでした。これからもテリーヌを食べてみようと、これで決めました。 |
The fish! I didn't order this but I tasted my coworkers' fish. SO FLAKY AND MOIST AND GREAT! I can't even tell you what it tasted like, I just know it was some of the best fish I've ever had. 魚!これは私の注文じゃないけど、仲間が自分の魚を試食させてくれました。フックラしていて美味しかったです!どんな味か、もう覚えていないけど、今まで食べてきた魚の中では上位です。 |
This is not chicken. No no. It's guinea fowl. I thought people only ate that in stories about the Renaissance. Screw chicken. I am sooo over chicken. This guinea fowl was THE BEST BIRD THAT EVER TOUCHED MY LIPS. The skin was crisp for a half a second and then just melted in my mouth along with the meat. Again, I only had a taste of my coworker's chicken so I can't really explain the taste, but I am DEFINITELY GETTING THIS NEXT TIME. これは、鶏じゃあるまい。いや、ほろほろ鳥です。まさか。。。人がほろほろ鳥を食べるのはルネサンス時代に限るかと思いました。鶏はもう良い。もう要らない。ほろほろ鳥は真面目に最高に美味しい!この皮は一瞬パリッとしてたのに、すぐ口の中で溶けたようですーお肉と一緒に。まぁ、これも一口しか食べてないから味は説明できないけど、またヤマグチに行く時に絶対にこれを頼みます。 |
Alas, the meal I did choose. If I could cook beef like this I'd probably never eat out again. I don't even think you can buy beef of this quality at the supermarket. It literally had the consistency of custard. I'm not sure you even have to chew this beef. The sauce was fabulous...not too heavy, but I have no idea what to say about it because I was in total ecstasy...I lost my sanity while I ate that beef. Oh, but the white sauce was kind of cheesy and really good! いよいよ、私が注文した料理の登場。こんなお肉が作れたらもう2度と外食しない。こんな上質な肉はスーパでは買えないと思います。プリンのような食感なのよ、本当に。噛まなくても良いかもしれません。このソースもとても素晴らしかったけど、この牛肉自体に無我夢中だったからソースの味も表現できません。食べる喜びに我を忘れました。あっ、でも、この白い方のソースはチーズっぽくて好きでした!それだけは覚えています。 |
When I came back to my senses, this was all that was left. 気がついたら、これしか残っていなかった。 |
The last wine - a Cabernet Sauvignon that the waitress brought out for those of us having meat. It was flavorful without being too heavy, too sweet, or too sulfate-y. I wish I knew the name because I'd buy this one too. 最後のワイン。ウェイトレスが私たちお肉を食べていた人のために出してくれたカベルネ・ソービニヨンです。重すぎず、甘すぎず、苦すぎずけど薄味でもなかったです。このワインの名前を聞いたら良かったのに。 |
Desert was a fruit pastry of sorts with fresh vanilla ice cream. As you can see, I dug into this one before I remembered to take the photo. デザートはフルーツのデニッシュっぽいお菓子と手作りバニラアイス。見ている通り、写真のことを思い出す前に半分食べちゃった! |
There was also tea and coffee at the end of the meal, but by then, my camera was dead. As I am told, the meal was around 4000 yen per person(before you add in the wine). I am definitely coming back to this place sometime soon. I wonder if they'll let me order fish, poultry, AND meat next time?