Thursday, November 24, 2011

Mike's Visit! First Stop: Awa Shrine

This week my college friend Mike came from my hometown, Atlanta, to visit Japan for the first time.  We used to watch anime and read manga together in college (don't judge me, lol), so he really wanted to come and see what the country is really like.

Of course, we did the obligatory trip to Tokyo, but on Monday Mike came down to Minamiboso to see a different side of the country.  On Tuesday, I asked for permission to take off work, and showed Mike a few interesting places around here. (To be honest, most of them were places I had always wanted to visit, too.  Two birds, one stone!)

Our first stop was Awa Shrine.  It's really close to Shirahama, and most people I talk to say that's where they go to pray on New Year's Eve.

It's the entrance gate.  Exciting, I know.

This is just the office.

As with all shrines, you must purify yourself with water when you enter.

The main shrine.

A hobbit's nest?  I'm not sure what this is but it's small and cute.

This is next to the main shrine.  Look at the cute komainu!

This is the moss on that wall above.  It's so pretty!  I want a mossy rock wall at my future home someday.

There were duckies in the pond!

This is another smaller shrine.

How pretty!

Mike looked contemplative.

Looking at that last shot, I can just imagine how packed this place gets on New Year's Eve.  I'm glad I got my visit in on a weekday so I don't have to deal with the crowds.  This temple was quiet and peaceful - the perfect place to sit and reflect for a while.  There is also a rest lounge with free tea and large windows so you can see the grounds. If you come, pick up an English pamphlet (you can get them where they sell protective charms) and stay for a while.

As a first stop, Awa Shrine was great!  On to the reclining buddha...


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